Blog 54 [12] It has been some time...

Where have I
been and what have I been doing I hear you ask…it has been some time since
I have had the opportunity to sit in peace and quiet and write! I have had a
very hectic month with lots of things going on and then also having suffered
from the dreaded virus that most families have been suffering! Literally I have
not been able to completely clear myself of the awful headache, earache, sore
throat, tiredness, sore joints…you name it I’ve had the symptoms! So on the
days when I was feeling a little better I’ve been organising my kitchen
cupboards, sorting through all the old crockery and cutlery and filling the
charity bags; where does it all come from? I progressed to clearing the junk in
the study that the central heating engineers had pulled out of the loft in
order to remove the now defunct water tanks…the ‘Bridezilla’ is now sporting
some beautiful ‘vintage’ dresses and a wonderful silk lined jacket that I
haven’t seen or been able to wear for 18 years! Yes can you believe it’s been
that long since the loft was completely cleared? Although there still are a few
boxes untouched and of course Christmas is now packed away up there! So now the
study is almost cleared of junk…it would have been completely clear had I been
able to stand on the very top of the ladders; I never go in the loft but as the
‘Hubby’ has been so stressed lately with the state of the kitchen I thought I’d
be helpful…ah well these things happen…I stood the ladders in the same spot as he
does…I stood on the little platform thing at the top so as to reach the loft
door…he makes it seem so easy as he pushes the lid and turns it and hands it to
me…I pushed the lid…missed it as it turned reached forward to grab it and felt
the ladders sway…split second decision: grab the loft lid which is far heavier
when you’re standing on ladders and fall over the bannister or let the lid fall
over the bannisters and save myself…I lived to tell the tale and so far the
‘Hubby’ hasn’t noticed the chunk out of the wall or the fact that the light
fitting is looking loose…I may have grabbed it at some point in my distress…
I’ve also been
glossing paintwork and stripping the bathroom of the old tiles and dado rail in
preparation for the new shower…which of course is no where near being started
as the plumber we wanted has retired; the second plumber is recovering from an
illness and the shopkeeper where we bought everything from simply smiled with
no understanding of my ‘wifezilla’ glare when he announced they are all booked
up but can start in May…he was totally unmoved by my outburst;
“What? I have 4
bridesmaids, a bridezilla and myself to get ready…with one teeny tiny
ensuite…?” Well it’s not his problem…so you can guess this isn’t going to go
smoothly either… a bit like my kitchen fitter being away for a week; ah the
bliss to be away from all the hassle…!
The reason why
I’m now sitting for the first time in peace and quiet is because the poor
little ‘Cutie-pie’…yes I’m reverting to his original nick-name for today…is now
poorly in bed with the same head cold, or is it flu? He’s most disappointed
that this week off has caused him to lose the 100% Attendance award but quite
frankly he was too poorly to get out of bed on Saturday morning last weekend
and so he has remained holed up in bed with lots of medicine, fluids, fluffed
up pillows, snuggly pyjs, Vicks vapour rub and the all important…remote control
for the T.V! Although to be fair his eyes were streaming so much at the
beginning of the week that it’s only today he’s sitting up in bed with the
telly on…and of course me at his beck and call! Here’s modern technology for
you…as he has had no voice due to the worst sore throat of his young life he
has resorted to texting me today from his bedroom!
“Pls cn u bring
Pls cn I hve ice-cm…
Pls cn I hve
soup for dins…” But the best of all his messages has to be…
“I love u loads
mummy xx” He must be ill he hasn’t called me that for years!
So first of all
Happy New Year to you all…even though we are at the end of January now! I do
hope you all have had a lovely Christmas celebration and that your January has
been a good month despite the weather; my Christmas actually turned out a lot
better than expected despite the kitchen not being finished completely. Yes,
disappointing as it is the cupboard doors STILL
have the wrong hinges, the plinths STILL
need to be cut and drilled and fixed and the drier STILL can only be used with the cupboard door open…mmm supposed to
be integrated appliances but it’s not quite turned out like that! Two days before
Christmas Eve the new flooring arrived in the conservatory but we had to let it
settle before we moved the furniture back in and of course this meant that
right up to Christmas Eve we were still painting the walls and washing the
blinds and windows free of the dust. The furniture was finally moved back in-situ
but my tradition of setting the Christmas table ready on a Christmas Eve had to
be abandoned…I simply ran out of time! By the time the fitter had left and I
had swept and cleared boxes in an attempt to have cutlery and crockery ready
for the big day and finally managed to set my tree and living room ready for
Santa’s visit it was very late at night indeed…and as luck would have it just
as we had filled the stockings and laid the presents out for the morning the
middle set of lights on the tree fused! Yes finally I had a finished Christmas
tree but it had a dark middle…typical! I realised that I am more of a
perfectionist than I thought I was and the fact that the house was not exactly
how I like it at Christmas was almost enough to throw me over the edge! BUT…we
had a magnificent Rangemaster stove in which we set the turkey at 5.00am on
Christmas morning to cook slowly…and it warmed the kitchen, taking the chill
off the new larger room. The ‘Hubby’ and I both stood and stared at this
wonderful addition to our home and both admitted to being in love with it! It
is beautiful and I have dreamed of this cooker for years. The sheer delight of
the ‘Hubby’ roasting potatoes, steaming vegetables, baking cakes and pastries
has been the best Christmas present I could ever have wished for…he is a really
happy ‘Hubby’ in the kitchen now and the fact that it’s not finished didn’t
spoil our special day!
Both the boys
loved their presents and I have to admit I felt a pang of sadness in that I
hadn’t been in toy shops like I have over the years…part of them growing up I
know but Christmas doesn’t feel like Christmas without a trip to ToysRus…I will
just have to shelve that feeling until a new generation is born…then I can
splurge! The surprise presents I had bought during our trip to Liverpool were a
huge hit…the look on both their faces when they opened a gauntlet [for ages 17 and up...!] like the one
from their favourite Play Station 3 game actually made me warm and happy
inside; just like when they were little and they’d open the remote control car
or Lego construction set that they had talked about but had not expected to
get! Thing is now, have I set myself the impossible task of finding something
next year that they know nothing about? With all the fuss and problems leading
up to Christmas I was worried that their day would be spoiled but do you know
what? We had one of the best Christmas days we have had in years; just super chilled
and cosy! Due to the problems with the kitchen and the fact that we had no idea
what the house would be like for Christmas we arranged for the mother-in-law to
spend the day with her eldest son and his family and my youngest brother came
home from Wales to spend it with my father. With both sets of parents cared for
we had a somewhat different kind of Christmas! The day started with the turkey
going in the oven at 5.00am and then we slept until the boys woke up at around
7am’ish! Suddenly the house exploded into lights, music, wrapping paper and
they bounced onto our beds shaking the Christmas bells that has been a
Christmas tradition all their lives! As we didn’t have any driving to do we
enjoyed Buck’s Fizz, a continental breakfast and stayed in our pyjamas for the
morning! I invested in some brilliant funny Christmas jumpers…the ‘Hubby’ was
Santa, the ‘Intelligent-one’ was Rudolph, the ‘Intelligent-Cutie-pie’ was the
Snowman and I was a Christmas tree! I had also treated the ‘Bridezilla’ and her
young man to silly Christmas jumpers too and they wore them when meeting
friends for a Christmas day drink! We have had turkey dinners, turkey
sandwiches, turkey curry and turkey soup…yes we did have a rather large turkey
from our local farm and it was so tasty…the first meal cooked in our new oven!
Mmm it makes me hungry just remembering it. Somehow all the weeks of heartache
disappeared and we enjoyed some quality time as a family. Over the Christmas
period we have read new books, listened to new CDs, watched old Christmas
movies, had lazy lie-ins, pyjama days, brunches, walks, bike rides and pure
peace. We had our usual quiet New Year’s Eve with the boys and the countdown on
the T.V. to the chimes of Big Ben. I have looked with sadness over the passing
year as well as happy memories and I have NOT made any resolutions this year.
I’m having a change. Instead of making silly resolutions that I cannot stick to
and then feel a failure for breaking them I decided that this year I will take
each month as it comes and see what happens! Without set targets as a guidance
I am completely free of restraints…will I survive?
We have
completely re-charged our batteries so to say in preparation for the busy year
ahead…and what a year this will be!
First of all the
plumber has to come back due to a leak in the conservatory…the fitter is
building a new doorway…we have to organise a new shower to be fitted and a new
floor is needed to replace the gaping hole where the bath used to be…but most important
of all…
2013 is the
year of the Weddings!
will be walking down the aisle sooner than you think…it seems a million miles
away now when she was first engaged and talking about her plans; now she has a
house, a wedding planned and a beautiful dress waiting for her final fitting!
My beautiful
god-daughter is getting married and I have had a wonderful shopping trip with
her mother, my longest standing friend…48 years to be exact! We had a great day
in the Trafford Shopping Centre SALES! Where I bought the full outfit; dress,
shoes, bag and hat!
Also my
gorgeous young cousin gets married and we are having a wee break across the
water to my favourite place, Bangor Co. Down. I also bought my outfit for her
wedding during my shopping trip!
2013 will see
the ‘Intelligent-Cutie-pie’ make his subject choices that will affect his whole
career as a computer-programmer and he will be preparing for his exams! He will
also be visiting Belgium for his History trip and visit the trenches of the
First World War.
Perhaps the
biggest change of all in 2013 will be the day the ‘Intelligent-one’ leaves my
nest and goes to University…oh dear me…the water works are starting again…yes
my first born will be fleeing the nest…
but first he
has the dreaded A-level exams and even more importantly 2013 is the year he
becomes an official adult at the tender young age of 18…!
…Let the
celebrations get started…he is having a supper night with some of his friends…no
pass the parcel or pin the tail; it’s a whole different kind of celebration
now! They’re having beers, pizza, barbecued spare ribs [courtesy of the ‘Hubby’
and his new cooking facility!] the house will be ringing with the sound of the
PS3 games…both consoles set up with both TVs and all the lads bring their own
controls…they speak a different language to us…everything is wireless nowadays!
…So, now then
where did I hide the balloons? Where are the candles? Has anyone seen the cake
stand…? I’ll keep you posted…!
Happy New Year!
Blog 54[12]