Blog 54 [10] A trip down memory lane...
Hot on the heels of my retirement last week and my
reminiscing about Liverpool I found myself actually right back in the heart of
Liverpool at the weekend! The ‘Intelligent-one’ was in a competition with other
students from his college and other colleges from the North West and they had
reached the semi-finals being held in Liverpool. So Saturday morning saw us
once again up at the crack of dawn and setting off…with me as navigator as per
usual; except that I know this route like the back of my hand! We made it with
just 10 minutes to spare before he was meeting his group and after wishing him
good luck and waving him off we found ourselves in the heart of Liverpool at
8.30am on a cold Saturday morning with all the day ahead of us! I of course was
in my element as this meant a full day of shopping! Of course the ‘Hubby’ and
the ‘Cutie-pie-intelligent-computer-programmer’ were not as enthusiastic…can’t
get my head round his new nick name; I must devise another which is as flattering
to him as being referred to as intelligent but also conjures up how physically
cute he is; even at 14!
So, anyway they were less than thrilled and yes I could
have left them at home or even sent the ‘Intelligent-one’ to Liverpool on a
train; but somehow that would not have been the same! To brighten their moods I
suggested breakfast and then over hot food we discussed what they could do
whilst I shopped…they were keen to do some shopping but not a great deal! So
once they were fed and warmer and happy we made arrangements to meet up at a
set time and place and then I was free! Walking through the new shopping areas
was a bit alien to me…don’t get me wrong I love all the new shops…Liverpool has
been totally re-developed as a major city and all the café cultures and
department stores that are part of being a city…but somehow with all this
progress there was something missing…so I set off in a completely different
direction to the shops to surround myself with history…not just architectural
history but personal history…as I walked down towards the Pier Head [or
Peer’edd as it was pronounced by Liverpool people we worked with…!] I turned
back the clock and sat on a bench and looked out across the Mersey…
“Dear ‘Big sister’,
Guess where I am? It’s been so long since we have talked
and laughed together even though I sense you around me sometimes. I’m sitting
in our favourite place…although it’s changed so much since you and I were last
here! As I look out across the Mersey that view is still very similar but when
I turn and face the city…my goodness what changes there are; huge buildings,
offices and apartments and hotels…I close my eyes and can picture you and I
sitting with the wind blowing our hair and skirts! It was always great to sit
here on a Saturday, eating a pie or slices of ham or cheese from the market as we
talked about what we were going to do with our lives now that we were both
qualified and teaching here in Liverpool…it’s hard to believe how different our
lives turned out; almost as different as this city is now…”
As I moved away from the bench I actually talked, in my
head to my ‘Big sister’…it may sound a little crazy but it was as if she was
there with me...just like old times!
“Turning my back on the Mersey I walked back through the
Derby Square and unbelievably the old British Home Store shop is still in the
same place! As you know ‘Big sis’ I always loved shopping in this area as the
sound of the seagulls reminded me of shopping in Bangor County Down as children
with grandma during the summer holidays. That sound still makes my heart leap
now and it was a bit funny really doing Christmas shopping against a backdrop
of modern and old buildings, Christmas displays and the sea gulls flapping
I walked through the new shopping area and I was glad to
see the market was still there…although upgraded! I couldn’t find the coffee
shop we used to sit in but the pub with its glass engraved doors, polished
floors and leather bound seats is still as it was all those years ago and as I
passed it I imagined the doors opening and from inside there would be laughter
and banter and music…remember Friday nights in there? Fighting to get to the
bar…holding our glasses of lager high up so as not to spill the precious liquid
on our dresses whilst trying to keep our clutch handbags firmly tucked under
our arms! Do you remember the group of lads we used to meet up with? The same
place every time, they always sat in the left hand corner booth and would shout
to us to join them. One of them was a dustbin man whilst he was studying and he
had the cheekiest grin and one Friday night we all piled into a taxi to go to
his house…which actually was nothing like a house but in a round ring of brick
built flats, about 5 storeys high; one on top of the other with balconies and
stairwells the likes of which I had only seen on the television; the washing
lines were like skipping ropes and were pulled across from one flat to the
other across the street by a pulley…his mum and dad were real ‘Scousers’ and
had a great sense of humour and sat watching telly whilst the rest of us had a
few drinks, sausage rolls and played cards! I wonder what happened to him or
the rest of them? I wonder if they missed us once we moved away?
Well I walked right up the old Bold Street and most of
the original shops have now gone…the Woolworth’s building…or was it a Co-op
building… is a designer shop, the bank is a mini express shop and the boot shop
is a party novelty shop! I went into a specialist comic and animation store for
a surprise stocking filler for the boys and as I wandered around the shop all
of a sudden I heard a song; I honestly cannot remember the last time I heard it
on a radio or at a disco even! It was the Elkie Brooks song; “Sunshine after
the rain” and as it blasted out it nearly swept me off my feet… do you remember
how we used to sing this song on the bus on the way home after a few ‘bevvies’…and
sometimes we sang it outside down at Peer ‘ed dancing along the railings with the
sound of the Mersey lapping the dock walls! I felt a real pang of sadness well
up and for a little while I just had to stand still and look at the DVD
section…heaven only knows what anyone thought but I was lost in time…a time
when we were recovering from broken hearts and felt we would never love again!
It made me think of someone I have not thought of for a long time…the words
used to cut deep as we sang with feeling…it made me realise that that part of
my life is so far away now…
I found myself at the top of Bold Street facing the old
‘Bombed out church’…a true landmark! Guess what? St Luke’s is still standing, a
monument to those who lost their lives in the Second World War, it is now a
heritage site; the external building is perfect and quite stunning; the inside
is the place for poetry reading and art exhibition. Just think you could have
had some of your art work displayed there nowadays! Hard to believe that we all
used it as a meeting place: “See you at the bombed out church 7.00pm Saturday;”
everyone knew where this was; who would have thought it would still be there
and standing proud?
Walking the streets, the very pavements that you and I
walked along together was a strange but yet comforting sensation…hard to pin a
word to it really…just thinking that we were here once, together, shopping in
Blackler’s for ribbons and buttons or net underskirts for our outfits and
smokey grey tights…we used to get our make up from there as well and see little
old ladies who had probably been shopping there all their lives getting
stockings and gloves of a better quality than anywhere else. Do you remember
making a date to meet a lad under the naked man outside the Lewis department
store? We waited across the road to see if he turned up…well he did but he
wasn’t quite what you remembered him looking like…disadvantage of too much
Australian white wine!! So we ‘did a runner’ and had a fish and chip supper on
the way back to our bedsit instead! Well as you know I’ve a poor sense of
direction…and I must admit all these memories and trying to do Christmas
shopping at the same time added to a bit of confusion! I couldn’t find George
Henry Lee Department store, although I saw old buildings that could have been
it…I couldn’t find the Kirklands Wine bar that was so popular and thought maybe
it was further up the main street…but I did pass the Central Underground Train
Station and that has changed so much! Amazing how we used to hop on and off
those trains! We could go as far as Southport or just a few stops along the
line to Bootle. Remember Bootle station? You should, it was where you landed me
in a heap of trouble and it was Christmas shopping time too! We had arranged to
meet after work on the 4.00pm train into Central for a shopping trip and a bit
of supper… [a few drinks or ‘bevvies’ as you loved calling them!] Well I was
running late but as was the case in those days you could get on the train at
Waterloo and pay as you got off…so I ran for the train and secured a window
seat so I could wave to you. A few stops down the line you got on at Bootle and
sat chatting ten to the dozen. As we approached Central I realised that I
didn’t have enough change for my ticket…you never had any money in those days
either…we were going to cash a cheque in the town, how easy things are nowadays
with cash points and cards! So you said: “Just say you got on at Bootle, they
won’t know and it’s only ½ pence difference.” So I approached the booth, never
having lied like this before and suddenly all the fare dodging signs stood out
in my face! I was sweating when I said I got on at Bootle…of course by then you
were through the barriers…I was asked to repeat where I got on…I lied again…and
was promptly arrested by two station guards who escorted me, in front of all
the other passengers, into an office marked ‘Police.’ I nearly fainted! I was
in my first year of teaching and I was now being arrested for fare dodging! I
explained that I was ½ pence short of my fare from Waterloo and only had enough
to pay for the train from Bootle. All my personal details were being written
down and when they heard my profession was a teacher they looked at me and one
of the officers actually suggested that I say I was a secretary as the courts
would be more lenient. Courts? Oh good God I’m going to jail! I was sweating
profusely by now, my mind whirring with the scandal and I refused to say I was
a secretary as I didn’t want to add more lies to the situation! I was then
searched and they discovered that I was actually ½ pence short for my fare…so I
was telling that bit of truth…but none the less I was going to be cautioned. I
began to cry…I know a wimp’s reaction but there you have it…I was terrified
that not only would I go to court but I’d have a criminal record and go to
prison; I could kiss my future goodbye! If you remember sister dear I was
escorted through the barriers and made my way to where you were standing. As I
began to explain what had happened and what had been said you said; “Ah…that’s
what those men in uniform were at the station for…they must have been checking
everyone’s tickets…that’s how they knew you didn’t get on at Bootle…no one
could have got on without a ticket…” I could have throttled you…especially when
you started to laugh and I do mean laugh, you were bent over double with tears
running down your face at my predicament!
As I walked past the station I found that I had walked
almost a full circle and was now approaching the new shopping areas again. All
these stores in one place… just fabulous. You would be in your element! We had
many shopping expeditions…many years of falling out over the same dresses and
which one of us would have it because our tastes were similar! I stopped then
outside the jeweller’s shop on a corner…it has been there forever! The same
shop…it has had a bit of a facelift but it was lovely to see it remaining
amongst all these changes... ‘Boodles…’ the only shop for diamonds! Do you
remember how we used to look in the windows and choose which rings we’d
have…engagement, wedding, eternity and a diamond dress ring; we had it all
planned…we’d both find nice young, wealthy lads and marry and meet up at the
Pier Head and have lunch in a restaurant instead of sitting on a cold bench in
the wind overlooking the Mersey…
Ah well dear, lovely, sweet ‘Big sister’ all that was a
lifetime ago…so much has changed since those days…I have a thousand memories of
you and I here in this city…in our old Liverpool home…”
I met up with the
‘Hubby’ and ‘Cutie-pie’ [sorry son!] and after lunch we did a little more
shopping : I actually bought a pair of full length leather boots…needed boots
for ages and wanted long ones for years! The irony is that my first real pair
were bought with my first real salary in Liverpool and here I was in Liverpool
again getting my second pair in the sales…32 years later with my teaching
Then we joined the ‘Intelligent-one’ and on the way back
to the car-park I stood looking at the Pier Head, the gulls squawking above me,
the shoppers whizzing by, the Christmas atmosphere swirling around me and as I
saluted you my ‘Big sis’ the words of your favourite song flashed through my
mind and the picture of you with your glass in the air swaying in tune to:
“In my Liverpool home…
We speak with an accent exceedingly rare…
Meet under a statue exceedingly bare…If you want a
Cathedral we have one to spare…
In my Liverpool home…” *
Blog 54 [10]
Foot note; I escaped ‘prison’ due to the wonderful
headmaster I was working for who understood fully when I explained what had
happened; he intervened and wrote a brilliant letter of support and explanation
to the Commissioner who gave me a written reprimand! Better than a jail
sentence for ½ pence!
*Words from the song 'In my Liverpool Home' by Pete
The great Elkie Brooks
ReplyDeleteYou are so right Jack...definitely the great Elkie Brooks...all time classic in my eyes: Lilac Wine.